August 30, 2017

My love-hate relationship with FaceBook...

Yes, Ernie...I DO hate FaceBook...for MANY reasons (for whatever reason, I can't respond to you directly via email).

But right now?  FaceBook is my friend.

As you all know, thanks to Hurricane Harvey, Houston has been on mind a LOT lately...(and when I went to grab that link I noticed that all my page views have been reduced to zero - no matter how many/few comments were made - WTH Blogger?)

And thank you, by the way, Suburban Correspondent, DJan (and here and here), and Ernie for publicly responding to my plea for help - in whatever way you felt compelled - that means more to me than you will ever know.  The same goes for anyone else who felt compelled to help - you have no idea what your assistance will do for those in dire straits.

Now about FaceBook.  Yes, I despise it but...during this stressful time FaceBook has given me an insight into what is going on without having to inundate family and friends with texts while they are busy dealing with flooded streets, homes, etc.

FaceBook has also shown me how extremely HUMAN and HUMANE people can be when it comes to disaster.

I have witnessed people offering up their homes (I have room for x amount of people - DM me!), people offering up their land/resources (I have room for x amount of horses/cattle/pets - DM me!), and the "Cajun Navy" (and THIS is why I love Texas and Louisiana - both of which are so intertwined it's sometimes hard to tell them apart).  On FaceBook I have witnessed SO much love and support...which lately, we can all agree is lacking.

I have also witnessed the looting and the ugliness.  And the inane - because we ARE talking about FaceBook.  You have a major disaster happening right in front of you and yet some people are SO clueless that they continue to post about their personal problems, political issues or cat videos - yes, I get it...if it's not personal to them it's not as important.  So here I am scrolling through inane posts to get to the whole reason I bothered to log on to the site in the first place.

Inane posts aside, the love and caring stories have FAR outweighed the ugliness and inanity.  So, maybe there is hope for civilization after all.  We can only hope.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about FB. I have blocked all of my friends who continue to be clueless or who make offensive political jokes on either side. I was only able to contribute a small amount, which makes me feel a little embarrassed to have been thanked like this. (blush)
