October 15, 2024


 I admit it, I'm usually a sucker for a puzzle.  But this particular puzzle?  I've despised from day one.

Let's back up.  I started this puzzle last year, prior to Christmas.  I never did finish, because Christmas snuck up on me and I had to dismantle the puzzle (I've got to invest in one of those mats that allow you to roll up with unfinished puzzle and put it away) in large sections (to keep from starting from scratch) so that the guest room bed would be accessible to the Newlyweds when they stayed over Christmas Eve.

Earlier this week, I finally pulled the puzzle back out and once again set out to finish the puzzle as I need something to pass the time (and, apparently, house keeping isn't it) now that I'm unemployed.  And guess what?  This time around, I hated this puzzle even more.

After much thought was given (while poring over the damn thing) I came to the conclusion that this puzzle didn't have discernable facial features (other than eyes) and the there was barely a discernable difference between the color variations.

In sum, it was frustrating.

So, I am happy to report that I finally finished the stupid puzzle....

Only to be faced with this...

A leftover piece that doesn't belong (or is a duplicate).  Infuriating.

I guess I now need to find a new, less infuriating puzzle to do.  Or embrace house keeping (which, quite frankly, needs to be done but still isn't ranking high on my list of quality "Passing the Time" list.).

October 5, 2024

Not a real post but THE Best Chocolate Cake Ever

The kids were coming over today to celebrate S's birthday...his 30th birthday - how did that child get so old??

So I decided to make a chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache.

Friends, that ganache had me worried.  There's something about heating cream (or milk) on the stove that makes me nervous.  I'd never made ganache before and I was seeing all these warnings about how finicky it can be.  Those people are liars.  It was super easy.

The cake itself I wasn't worried about because I've made it before and it has always turned out perfectly and today was no exception.

When I tell you this is the best chocolate cake ever; I am not even kidding.  It is the most moist and delicious cake that I have ever had the pleasure to eat.  In fact, I've seriously given consideration to giving up any other future cake endeavors in favor of this one (not really). 

So today, I figured I'd share the recipe.

Without further ado -

Chocolate Layer Cake


1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp kosher salet
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs - room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup hot freshly brewed coffee

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray two round cakes pans with non-stick cooking spray.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt.  In a medium bowl, whisk together buttermilk, vegetable oil, eggs and vanilla.  Slowly add the buttermilk mixture to the dry ingredients just until incorporated.  The slowly beat in the hot fee until incorporated.

Pour the batter into the cake pans and bake for 35 minutes.

Original recipe found here.

I have made this cake with a peanut butter frosting (SO good), a raspberry cream cheese frosting and now with the ganache - and it hasn't failed me yet.  In fact, I'm already planning to use this recipe to make cupcakes for the cul-de-sac Fall block party later this month.  My only conundrum - what type of frosting.

This cake is so darn good - I even posted a
picture to Instagram (who am I?!)

Any suggestions for future frosting?  Do you have a fail safe cake recipe that has never let you down?  If not, you can have this one.

October 1, 2024

Western North Carolina - a horrific tragedy

 As many of you have surely heard by now; Western North Carolina was practically wiped out by Hurricane Helene.

The damage is mind blowing.  Who would have thought that a hurricane would strike up in the mountains that are at least 4-5 hours inland?

From what I'm hearing all roads in and out of the areas are closed - because they've either been washed away, are covered in mudslides, etc.

My bonus daughter and her partner live in the Asheville area - we've heard they are safe and fine; their house is undamaged but they don't have water.  And were told it may take three weeks to have the water restored.  Cell service is extremely spotty, so we don't always have a way to contact them.  We've told them to come here - if they can find a way out - but they are worried about leaving their house as the unsavory side of human nature has come into play as people are looting.

After several days, they were finally able to get to a grocery store so they have food.  But the one problem they have run into is they need cash.  None of the open stores are accepting payment by card (I assume because of lack electricity, lack of internet connections, etc.)  So that is something to tuck away in the back of your mind - when a natural disaster is looming (apparently now, no matter where you live) make sure you have plenty of cash on hand.  This would have never occurred to me before.

I read in the paper this morning that supplies are being airlifted into the affected areas and that supplies are also being brought in on mules.  Yes, you read that right.  The roads are in such horrific shape that only mules are able to pick their way through.

The thing is the news seems to be focusing on Asheville and other well known cities - but there are countless small towns that are completely cut off from EVERYTHING.  I was reading about one small town where the only way in or out is via a bridge.  A bridge that was swept away during the storm.

My heart hurts for all these people.  We don't even know yet if all the survivors have been rescued.

I saw pictures of the campus where my son went to college - the whole town was under water and there were sink holes all over the place.

Please keep the people in Western North Carolina in your prayers.  And, if you are able, please donate to the Red Cross to help them dig out and start over.

August 30, 2024

Season of Transition

 Whether we have children in school or not, I think for most of us, the onset of September equals a season where we transition - from summer to fall (and the ensuing holiday madness).

This year, as we are on the cusp of September - this will be a really big season of transition for me.  After twenty-three (TWENTY-THREE) years with the same company, I've been let go.

I won't go into all the details - some of which were totally unfair - but suffice it to say I'm still a bit salty at the whole thing.  Not at my boss, as none of this was his idea.  But at the way it all transpired.

But it did.

And honestly, despite being salty, I'm not really surprised as I knew they have been trying to remove as many "legacy employees" (those of us left over from the previous company) as they could - just last month I watched as a loyal employee of over thirty years (this employee actually made the move when the previous company moved to North Carolina; talk about dedication) was unceremoniously let go.

So after grieving for a few days (and honestly, being sick to my stomach all day every day); I'm ready to move forward and see what the future holds for us.  

Cross your fingers for us as we navigate into uncharted waters for the first time in a LONG time.  

August 19, 2024

Ode to a Light Fixture

 It's things like this that tell you that you are, in fact, an adult now...

We have a new light fixture in our dining area - and I love it beyond reason.

Our old fixture was ugly and had me giving it the side eye from the day we moved in (what...seven years now?) as it would flicker every time the air conditioning kicked on.

The Husband never noticed it and thought I was crazy for claiming that this light fixture would be the reason this house burned to the ground.

So for the past seven years, whenever I was anywhere where light fixtures were for sale, I'd be looking for a replacement.  Yes, I had an idea of what I wanted but I never found it.

Then, the light fixture issue became more urgent when The Husband informed me that out of nowhere the cursed fixture was just turning itself off randomly.  So there were two possibilities.  The fixture was haunted or there was a real situation (a short).  My bet was on the short.

So about two weeks ago I found myself at my favorite consignment store (which, by the way, isn't actually a consignment store - they just threw that in to the name for some random reason) and stumbled upon a fixture that I instantly fell in love with so I bought it.

Once I got home, I presented the fixture to The Husband and requested that he hang it immediately.

And, of course, we ran into a snag.  Because, of course.  We could not for the life of us figure out how to dismantle this fixture enough to even begin to figure out how to hang it.  The Husband asked me to return it.  And this is where this store begins to irritate me just a bit - they are only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday - WHY????.  And this, of course, happened late in the day on Saturday. *sigh*

Eventually, I was able to return the stupid fixture and the hunt began in earnest.  I knew this was the kind of fixture I wanted.  I uploaded a picture of the fixture and ran a Google search - only to discover that this particular light had been discontinued BUT I found a very similar fixture that I immediately ordered.

When it arrived, I presented it to The Husband requesting that he hang it immediately.  Which he attempted to do - but when it came to removing the old fixture, he discovered that he old light was very, very heavy and he didn't want to attempt at removing it himself while on a ladder.  So he called in reinforcements.  Between the two of them they were successful at removing the fixture.  But when they went to hang the new one; discovered that the wrong bolt(?) was included in the box.  Because, of course.

The friend said that he would source the right size bolt(?) and come by the next day to help get this fixture up.  Which he did.

And I was pleased.  Until I started looking around the dining area and realized when we moved in that's exactly what we did.  We never "finished" the dining area.  So that led me to buying curtains - which, of course, I had to then hem.  Keep in mind I am NOT a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination so that was an undertaking in and of itself.  But once that was done - and I was pleased; The Husband piped up with "All we need now is "art" for the walls."  Which caused me to groan because in the entire history of our marriage we have never - not once - agreed on what we like in the area of "art."

So we found ourselves at a store that sells "art" (it should be noted the term art here is used very loosely) and we found a piece that we could both agree on at a reasonable price.  We snatched it up and returned home where The Husband found himself in charge of hanging it with my supervision.

All that to say, our dining area is finally finished and we now have a fixture that doesn't terrify me.  Seven years later.

August 8, 2024

Hurricane Debby

 Apparently, Hurricane Debby has reached North Carolina.

Thankfully, we are inland enough that we don't have to worry too much about devastation (sending prayers to those that do though).  It has rained non-stop all day and, at times, the wind was wicked.

Which leads me to look at those damn trees.  And praying that they all stay standing because between you and me - I have spent more money on removing downed trees than any one person should have to spend on trees in a life time.

Who knew that at this stage of my life, I'd be worried about the state of some pine trees?  And yet, here we are.

The weather forecast is predicting rain, more rain and even more rain.  Which will hopefully break on Saturday (God willing).

And we all know how I feel about rain (it's fine as long as it happens while I am asleep; when I'm awake I want it to be all sunshine and rainbows); so I expect I will not be the happiest camper until it lets up (say a prayer for The Husband; he's a saint for putting up with me).

Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately - isn't it a curse when you receive a fortune cookie that says May you love in interesting times?) that's all I have to talk about today is the weather.

And that's the weather report from Somewhere in North Carolina; hopefully it's sunny wherever you are.

July 26, 2024

Random Topics Friday

As you will shortly see - none of these topics have any correlation at all other than the fact that they've been swirling around in my head on a regular enough basis that I needed to get them out; this also proves that life in the Gigi household has been very, very quiet lately.

I have found new eyeshadow sticks and I am in love.  I present to you the L'Oreal Le Shadow Stick.  So far, I've only spotted them at Walgreens (on an endcap; not with the regular L'Oreal products...yet).  I think there are about seven different colors; I currently own four....Magnetic Bronze, Magnetic Mauve, Alluring Rose and Brown Abyss.

The color sticks make it easy to swipe on a quick bit of color...or if you are feeling fancy, you can mix and match (I've found that the colors I own all mix and match wonderfully).  They can easily be blended with a finger or a brush.  They don't seem to crease or fade much.  Since discovering these I've been wearing eyeshadow much more frequently lately as it just seems to fussy to be messing about with regular shadow.

As a side note; if you should happen to trip over a rocker (that has been in place for at least seven years, by the way) in the dark on your back porch; mangle your glasses and give yourself a colorful bruise on your eyelid...Magnetic Mauve will definitely hide said bruise easily.  *sigh* Apparently, I am never going to be a graceful gazelle.  Luckily, the glasses have been fixed and the bruises have healed.  Although, where these other bruises came from is anyone's guess.

We are having an issue at work with a certain Bossy Boots lately.  Said Bossy Boots seems to think that she is in charge of several of us because of the position her boss holds.  Keep in mind Miss BB has only been with the company for about two years (and in that time has turned off quite a few people from what I hear) while those of us that she seems intent on bossing about probably has a total of 60 (or more) years between us  And she is too foolish to realize that she is stepping on some toes that she probably shouldn't be stepping on (and burning bridges that could be very useful to her at some point).  A few of us have been talking and we all agree, we have to approach this topic very carefully.  Because in addition to being a Bossy Boots; we have all concluded that she is a whiner in the first degree and if we aren't diplomatic enough, we can see her running to her boss crying that we aren't letting her play with us.

*Sigh*  I despise these kinds of games in the work place.  We are here to work; mind your own damn business, stay out of mine and let me do my job.  I do not have the time nor patience to deal with her nonsense.  So far, for the most part, she leaves me alone (maybe she senses my "vibe") but I keep hearing how she insists on inserting herself into other people's business as if she knows best and trying to force a relationship (i.e., "If we do this the way I suggested; we could go to lunch first!" kind of thing) where one is not wanted or needed.  Needless to say, most of us avoid her at all costs, because who needs that drama in their work life?  Work is stressful enough, thank you very much.

The Husband, the dear.  Has been showing his needy side lately.  The other day, he came home and eventually came to find me saying, "I expected that you would come out an greet me at least."  After this happened for the second time, I now find myself flying out of my office when I hear him come through the door, shouting something nonsensical like "GREETINGS, MY FELLOW HUMAN! (Loverboy, etc. *drop whatever nonsense you want here*)"  After about three days of this, he made a comment about how I'm a little frightening.  I informed him that he requested this nonsense.  And so I expect that will continue for the foreseeable future; until I forget and he makes the request again (and he will; oh, I know he will).

And while we are on the subject of The Husband...*sigh* I love him but he makes me crazy.  Somehow, he jacked up our printer - do not ask me how, I do not know; all I know is I was unable to fix it.  And he was insistent we needed a new one RIGHT then because he wanted to print (I kid you not) a receipt for something he ordered ship to store because he REFUSES to put his email on his phone and he was afraid they wouldn't release said item to him without a physical copy of the receipt.  This is a man that is never going to accept a paperless society, that I can tell you.  So now we are the proud owners of a brand new printer - if that doesn't tell you just how exciting life is over here; nothing will.

June 18, 2024

Book Review: The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes

I really enjoyed this book.  Although, I admit I am a sucker for a story about strong women and friendship.

This is a fictional account about the true story of America's traveling library in a small Kentucky town during the Depression.

These women are brought together to help create a library in their small town and outlaying areas.  They are tasked with bringing the books to their patrons via horseback and in doing so, create a strong bond between very different women with various backgrounds.

These heroic women refuse to be cowed by the overbearing men and the stifling conventions of their small town life.

The fact that there were once traveling libraries - delivered on horseback is fascinating to me.  And this story also shows the importance that libraries still have in our lives today - keepers of information, facts and, of course, fiction.  Our libraries have so very much to offer our communities today and, even more so back then.

This book is filled with drama, loyalty, justice, humanity and passion.

I would definitely recommend it.

June 9, 2024

Thoughts While Making the Bed

I don't know about you, but I find the most random thoughts pop into my brain as I'm doing the most mundane of chores.

It's Sunday and this is the day that I usually change the sheets.  And let me tell you changing the sheets in this house is a workout!

Like I literally have to sit for a minute afterward and drink some water to revive myself.

Today, as I was stretching the top sheet over the bed I remembered an article I read years and years ago that advised putting your top sheet print (or facing side) down.  Instead of right side up.  The reasoning behind this advice was so that if you turn your sheets/blankets down at the top when you make your bed, the "pretty" side would be showing.

Now, we don't turn our sheets/blankets down when making the bed so this advice was useless to me; so I have the pretty side face up (which, to be honest, doesn't really matter since our sheets are plain white).

Then as I was putting the pillowcases on, I remembered another article I read years ago (apparently, I'm drawn to articles about bed making for some reason) that had a "hack" (we just called them "tips" back in the day) for putting on pillowcases.  Now this "hack" has become a staple when I'm making the bed these days.

When my mother taught me how to make a bed, she would just slide and shake the pillows into the pillowcases.  And this works fine for those flatter, less fluffy pillows.  But for fluffier pillows like my down pillow it doesn't work.  So this "hack" has you turn the pillow case inside out, put your arms inside the pillowcase and grab the end of the pillow and work your way up turning the pillowcase right side out as you cover the pillow.

I have now written the word "pillow" so many times it looks misspelled.

As I recall, both articles (and my mother) insisted that the bed should be made every day.  And this is a practice we utilize here - although, honestly, my husband usually makes the bed (unless it's sheet changing day).  Does he do it exactly the way I would do it? No.  Do I care?  No.  I'm just glad he learned that the seam of the decorative pillow sham shouldn't be facing out.

So that's my random thoughts of the day that I thought I'd share.

What about you?  Do you put the top sheet on right side down?  Do you turn back the top sheet when making the bed?  And more importantly, do you make your bed every day?

June 1, 2024

Living Life on Repeat

 This seems to be the running theme through my life for the past few days.

Example:  The last two books I've read?  Turns out I've already read both of them.  But didn't quite realize it until I hit key passages in both books - and then there was that AHA moment.  Throughout the majority of both books I felt something familiar but it didn't click until I hit those passages.

Apparently, I have a "type" when it comes to book and it shows when I check out what I assume are "new to me" books.

I just don't have it in me to track what I read and then consult the list before I procure something new.  I've tried and it's just not in me to do that.

So, I guess what I'm saying is I am doomed to re-read the same random books over and over again.

If you are curious I've just back to back re-read:

The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Sturdivant Rouda and Home Before Dark by Riley Sager.

They were both excellent...both times around.

I also realized last night that the current show I am watching on Netflix is...you guessed it - something I've already seen before.

*smacks forehead*

So, it's obviously apparent.  I need suggestions that will get me out of this life being lived on repeat.

Any book/show/movie recommendations that I need to know about?