February 13, 2025

Gone with the Wind

 Prompted by Engie's recent reviews of Gone with the Wind; I pulled out my copy, dusted it off and sat down to re-read this classic novel.

I can't remember how many years ago it was when I last read this book - but I'm guessing it's been more than 30 years (and probably about the same amount of time since I saw the movie).  And as I told The Husband when I finally closed the giant book this afternoon - I remembered the basic plot but apparently, I had forgotten 90% of the story.

It is a period piece, so we have to keep that in mind when reading about slavery, etc.  If those problematic pieces would have been left out; it wouldn't have been a very believable read of the times in which it was set.  Much like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.  You can't whitewash the past, unfortunately.

And yes, I have to agree with Engie's assessment of Scarlett.  Despite everything she endured and the successes that she achieved despite the hardships she faced; she is not a nice person at all.  Therefore, the ending was fitting for Scarlett.

I thoroughly enjoyed this re-read and would suggest, if you haven't read it in some time - or if you've never read - now might be a good time.  Yes, it's a tome (clocking in at 1,037 pages) but it is well written; a sweeping saga will hold your attention straight through to the end - a book you, most likely, won't regret reading or re-reading.


  1. Scarlet never was a nice person, as explained by Rhett when he left her. She was manipulative and cunning and gorgeous. A cautionary tale for our times, I'd say.

    1. I picked up on that long before Rhett left. It was kinda surprising to me; because that's not how I remembered her from when I read the book eons ago.

  2. I read it as a teen and then again in maybe 2014 or 2015? I can't remember. It's a work of art, honestly.

    1. It truly is a work of art; and is still an enjoyable (if sometimes uncomfortable) read today.

  3. I read it on a train when I was traveling to visit Coach his senior year of college (so 1994!). I thought I knew what it was about, but I remember being surprised when discovering all the details of Scarlet's character. It is an epic book.

    1. It is epic and deserves to be re-read often.

  4. I've never read this book and I had no idea so many other people WOULD have read it. In fact, I don't even think I knew this WAS a book. I have seen the movie before. I'm not sure I have the bandwidth to start such a big book now, but I am writing it down as a future goal. Maybe this coming summer? Would it make a good beach read, I wonder...?

    1. You've never read it?! How? If you've got the time over the summer, you should read it. It's excellent.

  5. I used to read this every single June, as soon as school was over. It was my reward after a long year of teaching. And I have to say that each time I read it, I did discover something new about it. It's so much better than the movie, and the movie is incredible.

    1. I imagine re-reading that often you would discover something new each time. I vaguely remember the movie and it was good; but not as good as the book (movies rarely are, I find).

  6. Okay, between you and Engie, I am trying to gear myself up to read this. I tried to read it some years ago and could not get into it. But I was probably in my early/mid twenties then, and I think my ability to read things that don't immediately pull me in has improved somewhat (although I am also much quicker to DNF; not sure how/why those two things go hand in hand), so maybe it's time to give it another go. Do I still own a copy, is the question.

    1. Give it another try - once you get through the first bits I think the story will hook you.

    2. Oh, Suzanne. I was hooked after about chapter three. If it doesn't get you pretty quickly, DNF and don't waste your time. It is a masterpiece, though. SO GOOD. I am already trying to figure out when it is appropriate to read it again.

  7. It is a great book!! Scarlett was a mess of a human, but so many people are and this makes her even more believable.

    1. Exactly! That's what made her a compelling heroine.
