January 28, 2024

January - Clean Slate Month

 Has it been nearly a month since I've made an appearance?!  

Well, I'm still alive.  Even if I haven't been around in a bit.

Things have been very busy, both at home and at work.

That work project, I told you about here continues - and, as I expected, the number of emails that need to be sent out, continues to ratchet up, up, up.  Two weeks ago, I was hit with 244!  

As you can imagine, that spun me out.  So, I've been on the hunt for a way to make this task more manageable.  Luckily, I have found a work around, last week - but it was still onerous.  But now that I know it works, I can make a few tweaks and it should be fairly less onerous when I get hit later this week.

And I'll just leave it at that - because, despite the fact that I am over the moon to have found a way to make my life a bit easier; I also know that no one wants the details.  As evidenced by my husband's eyes glazing over every time I broached the topic with him as I was trying to figure out how to make it work for me.

But I will say, if you ever find yourself in a spot where you need to do a specific email merge to different individuals, different carbon copies, blind copies and specific-to-each-person attachments - hit me up...I now know the secret.

The home front has been equally busy.  

As in the entire month of January's mantra has been clean and declutter.  Which all commenced when I rearranged our bedroom in order to determine once and for all if we could fit a bigger bed into that room.  We can and did.

The dust bunnies the size of dinosaurs hiding behind the bed is what kicked off the whole cleaning and decluttering spree.  I was horrified.  I mean, rationally, I knew there would be dust - but you never really picture it until you see it.

Currently, my "dressing room" (aka the extra bedroom) has actually become a room and not a catchall - because I finally forced myself to look at all the stuff that had been dropped in there when we moved in (however many years ago now) to be dealt with later.  Even if I still liked the whatever (and I liked most of it) - I figured if it wasn't being used, didn't have a specific home, or I didn't want to dust it anymore, it needed to go.  Now, it's an absolute delight to walk into the room and actually "see" what I have; since it's not crowded with things.

Same for the spare room/office.  All that's left to do in there is get S to come and get a few things OUT.  I don't mind storing some of his things (that are all tucked away in the upper reaches of the closet); but all the Giant paraphernalia needs to go and now he has a garage where he can keep it; as I'm sure his wife (I can't even believe I just typed that) won't want it hanging in their house.

The only room that hasn't been given a thorough going over yet is the kitchen - but it's in my sights.  Hopefully, soon.

For the sake of my own sanity, I am ignoring the fact that we have a bonus room upstairs.  It needs attention to be sure.  But it also needs a plan, a lot of sweat equity and money.  So, for now, it doesn't exist as I don't have a plan or time.

Because, going back to the office, in addition to all the cleaning and decluttering at home; the same has been going on at the office as we prepare to move next month.

An edict came down about two weeks ago that we needed to start clearing up our workspace.  And we were informed that we would receive ONE box (a very small box it turns out) to pack up what is to go.  And tucked away in that little memo was a glimpse of what was to come. The words "clean desk policy."  *shudder*

It's been whispered that we will only be allowed one personal photo.  Somehow, I don't think that will be the case; I think it will be more likely there will be no room for "extras."  I've seen a prototype of what our work areas are going to look like and they look tiny.  I guess I will see for myself when I head over to the new space for "technology training" for the conference rooms on Wednesday.

So even though I didn't plan for the month of January to be a clean slate; it does feel good knowing that we are starting off a clean and decluttered year.


  1. How exciting! And to know you have a plan to get it all under control is wonderful. Oh, and welcome back!

    1. Thanks! Yes, having it under control is wonderful!

  2. Phew - a busy month. Lots of cleaning and transitions which feels very appropriate for January. But only one picture or maybe none at all. That sounds...a bit depressing for a workspace?!

    1. Personally, I can live with the clean desk policy; it just sound draconian, doesn't it?

  3. Ooooh decluttering is SO satisfying! I love that for you! What a busy month you've had. The move was great for me in terms of decluttering and cleaning, but there are still some things we moved that I think we could have gotten rid of. Oh well, we can do it now, I guess.

    1. It IS satisfying! When we moved (however many years ago now) we got rid of a LOT. But, at the time, I couldn't/wouldn't part with some things. Now, however, it was time for these things to go.

  4. I'm happy that you've turned your January into something meaningful. You've been busy decluttering so I can understand how blogging got pushed aside. At one point my husband worked in an office with a clean desk policy. He adapted, but after he left that place he went back to being a normal slightly messy person. Good luck with it if it comes to pass.

    1. I can live with the clean desk policy; it just seems like it's a bit over the top. And then there are the hoarders among us...I don't know how that will go over for them.

  5. January has been the same for me. I got rid of a living room armoire, a breakfront, and a table. Next up--going through my clothes and shoes again to make donations.

    I'm glad you got your email situation honed down to something more workable.

    RE: The Clean Desk. When our new school was built, we were told that every single desk was not any one person's, and the same applied to computers. Every classroom also had a Nothing On The Walls policy. They wanted to keep everything pristine and perfect for the first year. The whole place looked like a prison. I had always had things on my desk that were personal, many were gifts from kids, some were things that my creative writers could fidget with while we conferenced about their work. But because the school was still being finished around us, teachers often had to abruptly move rooms, even during the day. It was not a good year, and it felt very cold and impersonal.

    1. I'm eyeballing an armoire that I adore - it's got to go somewhere. If not in this house, out the door.

      Yes, EXACTLY! I think the office will feel very cold and impersonal without our little bits around us.

  6. This all sounds very cathartic! I love a good cleaning purge. And hooray for a bigger bed! "I no longer want to dust it" is an excellent criterion for getting rid of things!

    1. It is cathartic! I just wish I had more time to keeping up with it. The bigger bed is great; although now we have to figure out what to do with the furniture....

      I think the "I no longer want to dust it" is crucial to getting rid of some things.

  7. I was dealing with some family stuff last weekend that involves cleaning a hoarder's house and I can guarantee you that my house is going to get a very thorough going declutter in the next month. It was a terrible thing to see and I'm not interested in anything in my house that doesn't get used regularly!

    1. I can imagine that was a terrible thing. I can't even imagine.

  8. My jaw dropped at the number of emails. What on earth? How does one manage that? It sounds like your January has been productive. I just put the regular frames and dishes on the shelves in the kitchen where we had displayed Christmas decor . . . the decor has been gone for weeks, but it took me this long to spend 5 minutes setting the shelves back to their normal mode. Decluttering sounds dreamy.

  9. I love decluttering and purging! Isn't it so satisfying? I am sure that you are 10x less stressed when you walk into these rooms now. Maybe the number of emails negates that, but I hope not! I pulled my bed out to paint baseboards and the dust was atrocious. It is amazing how bad it can get when it is not cleaned. I cleaned it, of course, but I know it will come back, especially since my bed is heavy and I am not planning on moving it to dust regularly!

  10. All of those emails! I can't even imagine... Sounds like you've got things moving in the right direction on both your work and home front and that always feels good. Not just good but great. Well done! Is it just me or did January fly by? Mona

  11. I too am glad to see you posting. I am continually tidying up home and work; I suspect I would get no reminder.
    On the other hand I wish one would come out for thems in one of my office who leave dirty utensils in the sink.

  12. Wow. You've had lots going on! I would barf if I saw I needed to respond to 244 emails in one day. NOPE.
    Decluttering is always a great way to start off the new year!

  13. I hope I never have to do a massive mail merge like that. I'm certain I would send the wrong thing to the wrong person. I'm glad you got it figured out!! I always enjoy a good declutter. I cleaned out my closet in January and it felt great. I lost steam though after that.
