August 8, 2024

Hurricane Debby

 Apparently, Hurricane Debby has reached North Carolina.

Thankfully, we are inland enough that we don't have to worry too much about devastation (sending prayers to those that do though).  It has rained non-stop all day and, at times, the wind was wicked.

Which leads me to look at those damn trees.  And praying that they all stay standing because between you and me - I have spent more money on removing downed trees than any one person should have to spend on trees in a life time.

Who knew that at this stage of my life, I'd be worried about the state of some pine trees?  And yet, here we are.

The weather forecast is predicting rain, more rain and even more rain.  Which will hopefully break on Saturday (God willing).

And we all know how I feel about rain (it's fine as long as it happens while I am asleep; when I'm awake I want it to be all sunshine and rainbows); so I expect I will not be the happiest camper until it lets up (say a prayer for The Husband; he's a saint for putting up with me).

Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately - isn't it a curse when you receive a fortune cookie that says May you love in interesting times?) that's all I have to talk about today is the weather.

And that's the weather report from Somewhere in North Carolina; hopefully it's sunny wherever you are.


  1. Hurricane's stress me out! Rain, wind. I really feel quite scared because I know how much damage can be done in just a few short hours (or minutes, I suppose). So I'm with you on this!
    Hope the storm has passed by - we're getting rain tomorrow which is the remnants of this storm I think.

    1. Hurricanes ARE stressful! The rain is finally moved out and hopefully has lessened by the time it gets to you.

  2. We had a few tornadoes come through northeast Ohio early this week. Luckily, our little area escaped serious damage somehow, but nearby the loss of mature trees was devastating. In my hometown, the damage was severe and power was just restored yesterday afternoon.

    I hope you don't get too waterlogged and that your trees hold fast. Hang in there.

    1. Tornadoes are terrifying! I'm sorry your town took so much damage. Luckily, our trees held.

  3. The thing about hurricanes, besides their destructive potential, is that they approach slowly enough you have to watch for days to see where/when it'll hit. That would drive me bonkers, the prolonged waiting. Hoping you are safe now.

    1. Hurricane watching is a long drawn out process and it's a total guessing game as to where it will end up. We are safe and the sun is shining.

  4. Yes, it's sunny here and I could use with a little rain, actually. Not the amount you are getting, though.

  5. I'm so glad you're safe, Gigi!

  6. When I was a little boy and quite naif I so longed to experience a hurricane. Now I know better but it still fascinates

  7. I am so glad you aren't in the center of things, Gigi! Hopefully your trees have all remained upright and you are due for some sunshine.
