August 30, 2024

Season of Transition

 Whether we have children in school or not, I think for most of us, the onset of September equals a season where we transition - from summer to fall (and the ensuing holiday madness).

This year, as we are on the cusp of September - this will be a really big season of transition for me.  After twenty-three (TWENTY-THREE) years with the same company, I've been let go.

I won't go into all the details - some of which were totally unfair - but suffice it to say I'm still a bit salty at the whole thing.  Not at my boss, as none of this was his idea.  But at the way it all transpired.

But it did.

And honestly, despite being salty, I'm not really surprised as I knew they have been trying to remove as many "legacy employees" (those of us left over from the previous company) as they could - just last month I watched as a loyal employee of over thirty years (this employee actually made the move when the previous company moved to North Carolina; talk about dedication) was unceremoniously let go.

So after grieving for a few days (and honestly, being sick to my stomach all day every day); I'm ready to move forward and see what the future holds for us.  

Cross your fingers for us as we navigate into uncharted waters for the first time in a LONG time.  


  1. I am so sorry to hear this but hope it leads to a better situation! Sending virtual hugs.

  2. Oh, Gigi, what a sadness for you to endure. I'm sorry. Companies pay a lot of lip service to the idea of Loyalty and Being A Family when it benefits them, but it's all out the window when their bottom line becomes a priority. Hang in there. XO

    1. Thanks, Nance. What really sucks is the previous company really did value their employees. These new guys? Not so much.

  3. Oh my goodness, Gigi. I'm so sorry to hear this. What a blow that must have been. Twenty-three years! I am honestly shocked to hear this. Gosh, how devastating for you. And just when your husband retired too, I'm sure you didn't have this unplanned unemployment in mind. Fingers crossed and all the good vibes coming your way from me. xo

    1. Thank you Nicole. Completely came out of the blue. I think the loss of insurance is what hurts the most right now.

  4. Oh, friend, I am so deeply sorry. I'm sending you all the love and support as you go through this.😘

    1. Thank you, Kari. I need all the love and support you can spare.

  5. I am so sorry! I have been laid off multiple times and each time it has sucked. I hope you'll be able to look back on this as a thing that led to something better, but I know that isn't much comfort right now.

    1. Yes, hopefully one day I'll look back and find that I landed in a better place. I'm still a bit shell shocked right now.

  6. Although this chapter of your life came to close not on your terms, may it be the means to a new chapter even better than if that one hadn't ended.

    1. Thanks Spo - that's the way I'm trying to look at it.

  7. Oh, wow! I'm so sorry you were treated unkindly. Here's to a new adventure!

  8. Oh, Gigi. I'm so sorry to hear this. (I'm sorry I'm late getting here too, the last week has been a world-wind and I'm a little behind in my reading). I was let go decades ago from one of my first jobs, because two offices combined and the new manager's daughter did the same job that I did at the other office - so I got the boot. I felt so lousy and I hadn't worked there very long, so I cannot imagine how awful this must feel. I really do hope that this leads to something that you ends up being a great fit for you that you maybe might not have considered otherwise. Thinking of you.

    1. Thank you Ernie. It was a blindside, that's for sure. But all I can do now is go forward.

  9. My friend, I am so sad to read this. I too would be so salty and nauseated over it all; you have given years to them. Praying that you land on your feet and in a better place, that appreciates you and the dedication that you bring. Sending big hugs. XO

    1. Thank you, Suz. They don't realize it yet, but a super big project is coming their way in October - and not one of them will know how to tackle it. They deserve it.

  10. What an unanticipated mess, but I know you'll make sense of it. However, I'm sorry to read this. Life, eh? Yet ever onward we go.

    1. Thanks, Ally. That's just what I told a friend this morning. Right now is about moving forward and letting the past go. Fingers crossed it won't take to long to get back in the saddle.
