June 1, 2024

Living Life on Repeat

 This seems to be the running theme through my life for the past few days.

Example:  The last two books I've read?  Turns out I've already read both of them.  But didn't quite realize it until I hit key passages in both books - and then there was that AHA moment.  Throughout the majority of both books I felt something familiar but it didn't click until I hit those passages.

Apparently, I have a "type" when it comes to book and it shows when I check out what I assume are "new to me" books.

I just don't have it in me to track what I read and then consult the list before I procure something new.  I've tried and it's just not in me to do that.

So, I guess what I'm saying is I am doomed to re-read the same random books over and over again.

If you are curious I've just back to back re-read:

The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Sturdivant Rouda and Home Before Dark by Riley Sager.

They were both excellent...both times around.

I also realized last night that the current show I am watching on Netflix is...you guessed it - something I've already seen before.

*smacks forehead*

So, it's obviously apparent.  I need suggestions that will get me out of this life being lived on repeat.

Any book/show/movie recommendations that I need to know about?


  1. I have taken books out of the library and then realized I’d read them. I do have a book where I keep track of what I’ve read according to author in alphabetical order. The trick is to remember to bring it with me to the library! - Jenn

    1. Had I realized earlier on in the re-reading, I probably would have just stopped and picked up something else. But with both books, that AHA moment was toward the end of them.

  2. LOL! I've not done either of these things--YET!--but my excuse when it comes to books is that I don't use the library. I buy books. (I hate giving books back. I need to keep them.) Netflix? We are almost done watching Suits, which we've enjoyed. And we're headed to Season 3 of Bridgerton. And we'll watch pretty much anything British or any costume drama. We also liked Love on the Spectrum, a sort of docuseries.

    1. Nance, for the longest time I didn't use the library. But even then, I can't tell you how many times I've bought the same book twice! Oh, I loved Suits! Maybe I should re-watch it.... ;-)

  3. I read an article once about Ways Elderly Women Inconspicuously Mark Romance Novels So They Can See If They've Read Them (things like a small pencil dot next to the page number on page 37, or a tiny mark on the inside cover of a book, or filling in the center of a letter on the back page). One library started printing out a little grid that was kept inside romance novels so each heavy-use patron could have their own "yep, I've read this" square that they (or others deputed to find and borrow new books for them) could check before borrowing the book. (of course, this relies on there being one stable copy per book, but apparently that is generally the case for romance novels and not-giant library systems?)

    Anyway, while I am generally against "defacing" library books, I thought it was really neat, both that elderly women had this subtle, subversive system of pencil marking *and* that some libraries were going "huh, yes, that *is* important to you, we can work with that!"

    1. My mother used to do that with books she and her friends traded. She'd put her initials in the front to remind herself that she'd read it already!

  4. I am in awe of your spreadsheet and your ability to work with it. Do you consult it before you hit the library?

  5. Sounds like a book that I will probably pass one then.

  6. I have definitely done this! And then there are the books I read multiple times on purpose. For suggestions, I recently listened to Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera and it kept my attention!

    1. Thanks! I've added it to my list of holds...there's 50 people ahead of me though.

  7. book recommendations? I have lots! may I suggest "The Phantom Tollbooth" if you haven't read it already. My favorite book (adult) is "Creation" by Gore Vidal -historical fiction.

    1. Thank you, I have not read it. Will add to my TBR list!

  8. I've picked up a book at the bookstore, then realized I had it at home in the TBR pile with a different cover on it. So it goes. We've been watching Castle lately, never saw all of it when it aired. And we've been watching Resident Alien, which is best described as a mash-up of Northern Exposure and Third Rock from the Sun. It's absurd, but light-hearted thus I like it.

    1. I can't tell you how many times I've bought the same book over and over. *sigh* I've not heard of Castle or Resident Alien; I'll have to look out for them. Thanks!

  9. Oh, you haven't heard of Castle? Highly recommend. It's a television series and we always enjoyed it. We watched limited series a few months ago called Fool Me Once. We really liked it. I have not read either of the books that you've recently reread. They must be good and I'll have to check them out.

    1. Thanks, Ernie! I'll check out Castle and Fool Me Once. Yes, both books were very good. I think you'd enjoy them.

  10. Oh my goodness. I don't think I've ever done that before!

  11. I got nothing. My like is like rewatching groundhog day lately.
