June 9, 2024

Thoughts While Making the Bed

I don't know about you, but I find the most random thoughts pop into my brain as I'm doing the most mundane of chores.

It's Sunday and this is the day that I usually change the sheets.  And let me tell you changing the sheets in this house is a workout!

Like I literally have to sit for a minute afterward and drink some water to revive myself.

Today, as I was stretching the top sheet over the bed I remembered an article I read years and years ago that advised putting your top sheet print (or facing side) down.  Instead of right side up.  The reasoning behind this advice was so that if you turn your sheets/blankets down at the top when you make your bed, the "pretty" side would be showing.

Now, we don't turn our sheets/blankets down when making the bed so this advice was useless to me; so I have the pretty side face up (which, to be honest, doesn't really matter since our sheets are plain white).

Then as I was putting the pillowcases on, I remembered another article I read years ago (apparently, I'm drawn to articles about bed making for some reason) that had a "hack" (we just called them "tips" back in the day) for putting on pillowcases.  Now this "hack" has become a staple when I'm making the bed these days.

When my mother taught me how to make a bed, she would just slide and shake the pillows into the pillowcases.  And this works fine for those flatter, less fluffy pillows.  But for fluffier pillows like my down pillow it doesn't work.  So this "hack" has you turn the pillow case inside out, put your arms inside the pillowcase and grab the end of the pillow and work your way up turning the pillowcase right side out as you cover the pillow.

I have now written the word "pillow" so many times it looks misspelled.

As I recall, both articles (and my mother) insisted that the bed should be made every day.  And this is a practice we utilize here - although, honestly, my husband usually makes the bed (unless it's sheet changing day).  Does he do it exactly the way I would do it? No.  Do I care?  No.  I'm just glad he learned that the seam of the decorative pillow sham shouldn't be facing out.

So that's my random thoughts of the day that I thought I'd share.

What about you?  Do you put the top sheet on right side down?  Do you turn back the top sheet when making the bed?  And more importantly, do you make your bed every day?


  1. I put the pretty side of the top sheet down so that I can turn it over the blanket. BUT I rarely completely make our bed, not every day for sure. Daily I pull the blanket & sheets up, fluff the pillows, and usually skip putting the stylish comforter on top and piling up the decorative pillows just so. If company's coming or I'm feeling like a Martha I make the bed perfectly.

    1. I don't know Ally - it seems to me that you are making your bed. Maybe not all the way to the nines, but you aren't leaving the sheets and blankets in a tangle on top of your bed.

  2. We debate the "right" way to put on the top sheet EVERY TIME. I don't know the answer, I don't have a preference, but all I know is no one but us ever sees these sheets, so there's so much thought into something that literally doesn't matter. Why are our brains like this?

    1. Right? Who else is going to see our sheets? Our brains are like this because we are all a little nuts, I think.

  3. My mom was a nurse and she taught me how to make a bed and she ALWAYS put the pretty side down and she still does this and she does turn down the top sheet every.single.day. It's a habit.
    How do I arrange my top sheet...
    I DON'T USE A TOP SHEET. We sleep with a fitted sheet on the bottom and a fluffy blanket (king-sized) on top. It's a nuisance to wash since it's so big, but my husband hates top sheets and I kinda do too. Our kids have followed suit and they also don't use a top sheet. I have top sheets on the guest bed so guests don't think we're animals...but no tops sheets for us.

    I make my bed every single day. Last one out generally makes it - that's usually me.

    1. My son never used a top sheet either - where he got that from, I have no idea.

  4. I always make the bed and so do the guys. I don't turn the sheet down so I don't use that piece of advice, but I just might about the pillowcase! I also do the sheets weekly, although I do it on Tuesday. Why? I have no idea, but I just do. I find these mundane kind of things weirdly fascinating. Like, learning the burrito method to put on a duvet cover actually changed my life!

    1. That pillow hack really does make a difference with those pillows that fight you. I've seen that burrito method a thousand times but still cannot figure out how to do it. Actually, the last time I change my duvet cover, I used the pillow method and it worked okay-ish.

  5. My hubby makes the bed every day. I have left the house for the bus before he even wakes up. We aren't fussy people so it doesn't make any difference where the "pretty" side of the sheet is.

    1. I figured if your bed was made he did it; since you are up and out so very early.

  6. I make the bed every single day, even if I'm unwell. And yes, I do turn down the top sheet about 3-4 inches, but I don't put it on so that the wrong side is outermost. That would make me crazy. My youngest son and his girlfriend never use a top sheet. They think it's useless. I'm horrified by that. When they stay at our lakehouse, I make sure they use the top sheet.

    1. My son never used to use a top sheet either - I am/was equally horrified. I don't know if he uses one now or not but when they stay here they get one.

  7. I have never heard this pillowcase hack before! It is genius! I am a shaker and it is very challenging with thicker pillows.

    Yes to making the bed every day. I feel like no matter what, if I've made the bed, I have at least accomplished ONE THING that day. My husband and child are less stringent about this rule, which is only mildly irritating. Usually I am the last one out of the bed anyway, and I admit that I didn't start making my bed regularly until I was married, so my kid has time to make it a habit.

    1. Thicker pillows are a challenge to shake into a pillowcase. This hack made my life so much easier after I read about it. I never made my bed growing up...so yes, there's still hope for Carla.

  8. OMG, this is a good pillowcase tip!
    I was once "schooled" on the bedsheet tip before. I won't go into it here, but it wasn't fun. 🤣

    1. Changing your bed sheets just got easier with that tip!

  9. If I don't make the bed everyday, I feel like I'm being sloppy. Our room just doesn't look pretty. ;)
    My aunt taught me the inside out pillowcase trick, but honestly, I don't seem to do it that way any longer. I do put my top sheet on upside down and fold the top down. Also, mine is all white, so why do I bother?

  10. I have learned to keep a small notepad and pencil with me for those sudden insights and theophanies in the middle of chores. Nowadays I just use my iPhone. Sunday the bed sheets are changed without fail; it feels good to be in them at day's end to end the week.
