Buckle up buttercups - this is going to be a ping-pong kind of post where we jump from random topic to random topic...or, in other words, pretty much how every conversation (in real life) with me can sometimes go...
The high today was in the mid-80's. But The Husband was in the kitchen concocting a soup.
This is a topic that we have disagreed on for all the years we've been married. In my mind soups, stews, chilis, etc. are hearty dishes that are "cool weather" dishes. He disagrees and thinks that anything goes any time of the year - the weirdo.
My thoughts on seasonal foods extend into desserts. To me, I would group praline cake and any other "heavier" type of dessert into a "cool weather" dish. And a lemon pound cake or coconut cake - these are all "warm weather" desserts...much to Man Child's consternation - as the praline cake is one of his favorites and I am loathe to make it in the summer months. In his mind, any dessert is free from my seasonal no-no list - it's obvious he gets this insanity from his father, the weirdo.
MOST OF THE JUNIPER IS OUT! Granted, we've still got the hot mess going on up next to the house (I'll deal with that another day), but the main vermin and weed infested eyesore is GONE.
I never claimed to be a photographer... |
As of yesterday, the grass seed is spread and we are crossing our fingers and hoping that grass actually comes in. But, honestly, at this point of the game I'd rather look at dirt than at that damn juniper.
But still - let's take a moment to bow our heads and pray for the grass to grow...
As we all know, I am not the "chef" in this house - hence the need for me to show up at the grocery store is rare - unless it involves wine or baking supplies. I am lucky - I admit it. I also REALLY appreciate it - it's one of the many reasons I keep him around despite him being a weirdo that wants soup in the middle of summer.
At any rate, all of that to say - I just heard about grocery store apps. I'm sure the majority of you know about these little miracles - so I am here to talk to those of you that don't. Somewhere in my internet travels, I happened upon something that mentioned them - normally, I would have skimmed right over that knowledge and never thought of it again - but this time it caught my attention because The Husband had JUST returned from the grocery store and had forgotten a much needed item AGAIN - which, in the whole scheme of things isn't a disaster usually, as he will probably be back at the grocery store before I can blink - I swear, I think the grocery store people see him more than I do.
At any rate, I did some research (have you met me? Of course, I did!) and downloaded the Our Groceries app onto both of our phones. I then showed The Husband how it all worked. With this app, we can add items to the grocery list that updates in real time on both of our phones. I cautioned him that we would both need to remember to check it...figuring he would promptly forget all about the app.
I was wrong.
Last night, I was playing with the app - trying to figure out all the ins and outs and added some things to the list - meaning to delete them. What can I say - I forgot. The next thing I know, The Husband comes walking in the door with all of the items from the list. Luckily for me, it was all staples so nothing will go to waste.
At any rate, this app is - so far - a keeper for us - as long as we both keep remembering to check it.
So what say you, friends? Is soup, chili, etc. a "cool weather" food or do you follow The Husband's devil-may-care attitude when it comes to seasons and food?