March 30, 2011

Three by Nine (wait - is that a math question????)

I have been tagged by Nova at Cherished By Me in the three by nine meme. Thank you, sweetie.
I have to answer the following questions and then tag others to do the same :
  • Three names I go by: 
Ma (which I can't stand), Mom (reserved for when he really needs something) and Gigi.  There may be others but I refuse to disclose them at this time

  • Three places I have lived: 
Houston (born and raised), LaPorte, TX (married and birthed MC), and currently Somewhere in, NC (which is beautiful, despite my recent moanings about Winter leaking into Spring)

  • Three places I have worked: 
A veteran's commission (humbling - especially as I was very young at the time), in a commercial property office, (currently) in the legal department of a very large company

  • Three things I love to watch: 
Waves at the beach (is there anything more stress-relieving?), my friend's little guys - cause they are so stinkin' cute, and ......ummmm, I got nothing.

  • Three places I have been and love: 
Going home (to Houston), the beach and the shoe store.  What can I say - I don't go anywhere exciting; but I do get a tingle of excitement every time I walk into that shoe never know what you are going to find!

  • Three people that email me regularly:
My dear friend, who shall remain unnamed as she isn't part of the blog world, Julie - because she's always trying to get the last word in.....  ;-)   and work people

  • Three things I love to eat: 
Mexican (but the GOOD stuff; not the stuff we get here); Reese's Peanut Butter Cups; Shrimp and other assorted shellfish.

  • Three people I think will respond : 
Who knows? 

  • Three things I am looking forward to: 
A vacation....a real one and not one where I take time off to get stuff done around here.  Spring/Summer - just because I'm ready for some nice weather - you know, the kind that doesn't tease you with warm weather and then SNAPS you back into winter in the blink of an eye.  Turning the corner....because I'm sure we are about to.

Here's the part where I'm supposed to "tag" people.  We all know by now, that this is the one part of the game I just can't do.  So if you wish to play along, grab the button and the questions and run with it.  Otherwise, feel free to respond to any or all questions in the comments.


  1. What do you mean I always have to have the last word?! I plead insanity on that one. :D

  2. I can't believe the shoe store is on the same list as the shore and your hometown. LOL, that's serious shoe love!

  3. I would love to spend some time at the beach. Haven't been in years and it's not even that far. I lead such a pathetic life!

  4. Beaches and a shoe store sound like perfect reasons to love a place....add a good coffee shop and I'd be more than ready to go.

  5. I love peanut butter cups too, every time I get to visit USA I eat my body weight in them :) yum

  6. Oh... god mexican food...
    I miss living in Las Vegas...

    What a cool thing!!
    I might do it, too, but probably not for a while since I'm tied up with the month of April.

  7. I love shoes too. I just donated 14 pairs of shoes to the Shoe recycling fundraiser, and I can't even tell by my closet. yikes!

  8. The beach and the shoe store! We would so get along famously! First we'll go to the beach, get some great strappy sandals then we'll go to the beach wearing our great new strappy sandals!

  9. Love the beach and shoes and Love Mexican food too!

  10. Ma : ) I love that name. No one calls me that. I try to make them!

    Shoe stores thrill me too. Pure delight!

  11. Thanks for doing this....I love the beach too. :)

  12. I live in Houston, have lived in La Porte, and have lived in North Carolina. I was beginning to think that we were connected in some way, until you mentioned the shoe store thing.

  13. :-)
    So much more entertaining than math!


  14. So very true, you cannot get get good Mexican food in NC! One of the reasons I don't think I can ever leave Texas!

  15. That's all it takes and now I am hungry. Girl we can eat together any time! LOL Loved this meme:)
