December 22, 2011

11/22/ might want to take a week off to read this one

11/22/63 is the newest creation of the genius that is Stephen King.  This 842 page (well, 849 if you count the Afterword) novel is without a doubt one of the best books he has ever written.

I had planned on buying the book for Man-Child for Christmas...but was worried that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from reading it first.  Then Carol recently did a review on this book and basically told me to quit wasting time and go get it and read it NOW.  And I'm glad I did.  I devoured this book.  And am ready to go back and read it again.  It is that good.  I promise.

I can't go into too much detail without giving away a lot, but basically a diner-owner finds what he calls a "rabbit hole" in his pantry.  This "rabbit hole" is a gateway to the past; to Tuesday, September 9, 1958 to be exact.  And every time you visit - no matter how long you stay - when you return you've only been gone two minutes; even if you'd been gone for years.

Eventually, the diner owner fixates on the idea that if he can stop John F. Kennedy's assassination that the future will be a much better place.  Unfortunately, he falls gravely ill and cannot complete his mission.  So he brings in a much younger man in hopes that he can change the future; negating Vietnam, the assassination of Martin Luther King and other atrocities that have since occurred.

This novel focuses mainly on this man's travels and experiences while living in the past.  It also details the "butterfly effect" in ways that I'd never thought about before.

If you are looking for a good book to immerse yourself in over the holidays - pick up this one.  You will not be disappointed.  Pinkie swear.


  1. Sounds like a great book! I might just have to buy it!

  2. I told you it was wonderful. The only sad this is you only get to read it once for the first time. I'm rereading everything he has written but this, 11/22/63 is truly one of his best.

  3. Okay, I'm going to read it now! I think it sounds wonderful, and I've read enough of his books to know that a good one has to be one I shouldn't miss. Thanks for the review!

  4. I have NEVER had a desire to read Stephen King. I am easily creeped out and don't like to be, though this actually sounds really good to me. I love a great addictive book and it's been awhile since I've read one.

  5. 849 pages??? I've read a lot of King in my day, but I don't think I could make it through that! When do you find the time?

  6. Oh, man. I think you've won me over with that plug of King's book. A week? It took me nearly a month to read his 'Under the Dome'. BTW, I think that 'The Stand' was probably his I'm looking forward to how they compare.

    THanks for the heads up on that Gigi! Have a great Christmas!

  7. I can't wait until my husband unwraps it on Christmas morning so that I can steal it from him and read it!

  8. I went off Stephen King sometime ago but I might try and rekindle my interest in his work with this book.

  9. I want to read this!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I've just unwrapped my copy and can't wait to get started!!

  11. I was thinking about buying a post-christmas book for my partner. Her family is spanish, and in spain there's another gift-giving day after chrismas called the day of the Reyes Magos (the wise men). Anyhow, she loves Stephen King, and your nice review has inspired me to buy this one for her (and Stephen King is always translated into spanish!) I just hope that the delving into past episodes of U.S. history (Martin Luther King, Vietnam ...) is as interesting for a non-American. Hmmm. But it sounds awfully interesting.

  12. I'm going to keep an eye out for it...


  13. I have read it twice! I loved it too. I have always been a Stephen King fan and this is one of my favorites. Along with "The Talisman", "It" and "The Stand". It isn't 'creepy' like most of his books. I have told my, "I don't like Stephen King" friends to read it already!!!
