July 20, 2010

It's Been (over) A Year?? Really???

I just realized....I missed my "I've Been Blogging For A Year" anniversary.  Apparently, it came and went.  Without a blip on the radar.

Hmmm, how did that happen?

To me?  Miss Super Organized, Efficient, Endless List Maker?

I know it was on my mind not too long ago.  I clearly recall trying to figure out a way to commemorate the occasion.  And then *poof* it was gone.

Kind of like when I look at my gas gauge and think, "Boy, I need to get some gas soon."  and then promptly forget about it again until the little light starts winking manically at me. Only this time, there was no little light to wink at me to remind me that something big was fast approaching.

It can't be that I am getting old(er).  It can't be that my mind must be going (although obviously it is! Because how do you miss something like that?).  It can't be that I've been so crazy, busy that it slipped through the cracks (because I haven't been).

There must be a simple explanation.

Could it be?  Am I *gulp* turning into a . . . . slacker?

One that doesn't care if I miss a few important life events?  And once you let that slide - well, then it all goes to hell in a handbasket then doesn't it?

Next thing you know, I'll quit fixing my hair and quit selecting my outfits based on what shoes I want to wear!  Not acceptable, people.  Not acceptable at all!

No, I think I have just been having far too much fun and making new friends while blogging to notice how quickly time slips by.  Yes.  That is the explanation.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

And many, many thanks and much love to you all - because if it weren't for you . . . . well, I'd probably still be here scribbling away, but I'd be lonely!


  1. A spanking always fixes a "slacker"

    Congrats on a Year!

    You're welcome.

  2. Amazing, isn't it, how fast that year goes by? And the fact that you forgot to commemorate it on the anniversary is perfect! You are having TOO MUCH FUN, and that's great. Congratulations on more than a year as a blogger!!!

  3. Raising my coffee cup in a Happy Anniversary Blog Toast ... Wishing you much more happy writing, Cheers :)

  4. Oh it's a long way from missing your blogoversary to not matching your shoes to your outfit! You will be fine:) AND congrats on one year of blogging!

  5. But, at least you remembered it in the right month! That should count for something. Happy Blogbirthday!

  6. Happy Blogoversary.

    And, Gigi, PLEEEEZZZEEE get rid of the partial feed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll tell you how to change it so you can make me SOOOO HAAAAPPEEEEEEE!

  7. Congrats on your year of blogging! What an excellent effort.

  8. Congratulations on your blogiversary. Truth be told, my blogiversary was July 18th so I missed mine too. :)

  9. From one slacker to another, happy blogoversary xxx

  10. I missed mine too! It was in May but I didn't realise until a few weeks after the event!

  11. Well, belated Happy One-Year...whenever it actually was!

    You'll never be lonely here, sweets...someone's always coming and going. And slacking? I. Don't. Think. So.

    Just busy....and time? It freakin' flies!

  12. Blase is funny!

    You cannot become a slacker my friend. You would not allow it.



  13. Hey. Happy One Year anyway!! Congrats. Let's get our party clothes on!

  14. Woo Hoo, hope I'm not too late for the party. Congrats on one year. It's been an absolute pleasure reading your posts and being your blog friend. Here's to another year together.

  15. amazing, thanks for sharing thoughts, ou are having TOO MUCH FUN, and that's great. Congratulations on more than a year as a blogger!!!

  16. well done.....let the celebrations begin!!

  17. As usual, I'm late to the party! Happy 1 year blogiversary. xx

  18. Happy Blogversary....xx missed mine too. oops. We are obviously just too busy. xx Glad we met. xx

  19. It's true what they say - time does fly when you're having fun! Keep on going - we love ya! Happy Blogiversary xxx

  20. good story. I may need to borrow it!!

  21. Happy Anniversary, I wish you another year of great blog!

  22. Hey, I found you through Pearl.

    It's MY WIFE that leaves doors open. Not pantry, but cupboard doors, all the time, every day. Drives me insane.

    I doubt she will read this, but don't tell her I said anything. I'd be a dead man.
