April 22, 2010

Some rambling thoughts cobbled together, disguised as a post.....

It looks normal but you know something just isn't right - have you ever had that feeling?  After lunch the other day, I was walking out of the deli to my car.  Right next to my car was a couple.  The driver's door was open and the couple was standing outside of it.  Very close.  Their pose was kind of like that of a newly in love couple.  Then it flashed.  His wedding ring.  I casually glanced in the back seat.  Booster seats.  You know, the kind for bigger kids?  He kissed her.  Not the usual hurried, "love you; gotta go" kiss.  But not the "get a room" kind of kiss either.  As I was getting into my car there was another kiss.  By now, it's all I can do not to stare.  I am convinced I am witnessing an affair going on here.  Any proof?  No.  Just a feeling.  That and being married for so long.  The intimacy in public was just too much for a couple that's been together for any length of time; especially for a couple that has children of the age for booster seats - at that point in your life things are far too hectic for a little afternoon delight; if you know what I mean.  It left me unsettled for the rest of the day.


Do you know what today is?  It's the NFL DRAFT DAY!  Can you feel the excitement?  No?  Hmmm.  Maybe because I'm just pretending to be excited?  That must be it.  But the great thing?  The boys have gone out to watch it somewhere else.  This is the perk for not having all 978 channels that cable offers.  Whenever football stuff comes up I am blissfully alone with my computer.  I don't have anyone leaning over my shoulder repeating, "Are you done yet?" every three minutes.  And then, in desperation, claiming to have homework that be done right now; even though we all know it won't be done till the very last minute.  I wasn't born yesterday you know.


There was a mandatory one-on-one meeting at the school today.  They called it "Sophmore Conversations."  It was kind of nerve-wracking as they weren't very clear about what to expect; at least to the parents.  Apparently, it was to discuss goals for the student for the next two years of their high school career.  Man-Child currently has, what I consider to be, some very clear-cut, straight-forward goals.  Which kind of floors me.  I mean really?  Who has goals like this at 15?  I didn't.  Hell, to be truthful, I still don't; go ahead - ask me where I want to be in 5 years and watch me flounder.  But during the meeting?  He had nothing to say.  For this kid?  Kind of a miracle.  Although, I must admit - being 15 and surrounded by three adults asking what your goals are; kind of a recipe for nervousness.  All in all, I think it went very well.


My dislike of talking on the phone has been cemented.  For the past two nights, I have been cornered on the phone for over an hour (each night!).  I don't mind talking on the phone to get my message across.  I don't mind talking on the phone to someone that I love dearly, and haven't talked to in ages and who lives far, far, far away.  But other than that?  Forget it.  Especially if one of the conversations consists of me saying "What" every few minutes because your connection sucks.  And even more especially if one of the conversations is with someone who is more of an acquaintance than anything and is drunk to boot - which did not become evident until later in the conversation.  My newest resolution?  I will never answer the phone again.  Period.


Blog-land.  It is a wonderful place.  I am so glad I stumbled into it.  It is amazing to come across blogs - that have the same people that you have!  I mean seriously.  I realize that if you read the blogroll of someone you follow (or who follows you) that you are bound to come across people you "know."  It's inevitable.  But what about when you read someone who neither follows you or anyone you "know"; and you don't follow them and yet you still stumble across people you "know?" (did that make any sense?  'Cause I keep reading it back and although I know what I'm trying to say.....) Makes you realize that the world is a very small place and that we are more inter-connected than we think.  Just an interesting thought to throw out there. 


That is all I have for now.  I'm off to enjoy the freedom  that a/an (seldom) empty house brings. (yeah, that whole sentence is awkward; but how else would you phrase it? Particularly with my penchane for parentheses?)

UPDATE:  Just realized I spelled "panache" wrong.  But am convinced it wasn't my fault, because for some reason, on this laptop, my cursor just jumps around like crazy and starts typing wherever it wants.  Just so ya know.....


  1. I am loving a quiet house since I got laid off from my job.

    Cheaters make me want to beat them down!

  2. ah my computer does that too where it just puts the cursor anywhere it pleases. annoying.

  3. The cursor thing... please tell me it isn't a MAC? Someday, when I get mine out of the box and going, the last thing I'll need is a cursor with a mind of it's own.

    Next time I call you, drunk, just tell me you don't want to talk. I can take a hint, especially when you just come right out and say it.

  4. I love rambling thoughts blogs. This is the second in a row, interestingly. And yes, I know exactly what you mean about Blog-land being a little spooky. I wonder where I found you? I've got lots of Macs and love them. No jumping cursors here, I take credit for my misspelled words...

  5. Well I have to tell.. just reading that first thing has me convinced there's an affair going on. My hubby and I have been together for almost 2 years and we are each others everything and love each other very much and all that crap, but we don't much beyond hand holding and a quick kiss in public.

    And asking a 15-year-old their goals and plans? Are those teachers on crack?! Be prepared for his plans to change 10 times between now and the next 10 years, lol.

  6. Oh and about your cursor, check your touch-pad settings, you can adjust the sensitivity. I have to change mine otherwise the cursor takes on a mind of its own.

  7. and there's me thinking you were trying to say penchant. If it helps my blogger and my return key hate each other so if there are random gaps in my blog you'll now why!!

  8. Nice to make the most of your time, thats the good thing about having a Son who can go and fun times with his Dad. Not sure what to think about the couple, possibly having an affair but I guess we can't judge without knowing circumstances, maybe they borrowed their sisters car, who has kids!

  9. Mrs. A & DJan - nope it's not a MAC. It's just what Mrs. Lovely said . . . the mouse pad is a mite sensitive. I could lock it while typing; but since I'm lazy that way....

    BNM - actually I was going for penchant; but in speed reading after posting I mis-read it and jumped back in to edit and made it worse. My panache for parentheses?? *sigh*

    Fab - yes, we can't judge without knowing the circumstances. But this is what happens when I'm out & about people watching. I make up stories about their lives. ;-)

  10. Wow. Completely random...yet amazingly compelling post.

    The possible affair? Unbelievable. I think you're right about what you think you saw, though.

    NFL Draft? Couldn't care less, but anything that brings you peace & quiet is golden.

    MC's meeting: We've already discussed.

    Same for the casual-drunk-dialer.

    Blogville: Uh-huh. Amazing, right? I think we unconsciously follow each other around...like amnesiatic ducks. (I know that's not a word but it should be.)

  11. Haha, I love this post...sad at the beginning but I love knowing what's going on in your life. I'm nosy you see! ;0) xx

  12. I feel the same way about talking on the phone. I only like to talk to my bestie and my mom on the phone.

    I hope you enjoyed your quiet time!

  13. I use to love to talk on the phone but I hate it now.

    I love being by myself ....wish husband would go on a trip...but clean up his mess first!!

  14. hmm... the thing about the affair distubs me. It's one thing to read about an affair, or hear about it, or know someone who it's happened to. It's quite another thing to see it happening right in front of your face.
