May 1, 2010

Another episode where I show you how insane I can be.....(titled this because I couldn't come up with a better title; but at least I remembered to title it)

It has been quiet here at Gigi's casa today.  And while there has been some goofing off and loafing around much has been accomplished.

It's amazing to me how much can get done when there aren't other people around to obstruct my objectives.

Just as I was settling down for a quiet evening on the back porch with my glass of wine, expecting that chores were done for the night what should continually catch my eye?  My poor sad Chinese Privet.  You remember, the one I moved that wasn't doing so well? 

Despite all the love, water, plant food, prayer, threats, cajoling, etc.  It is dying.  In fact, it is on it's very last legs.  I expect we'll be having a funeral soon.

So leaving the computer and my glass of wine, I went in search of a shovel.  Why, you ask?  Because I figured I needed to move it - - again.  (yes, yes.  I'm insane.  I know.  Hubby reminds me of this constantly).  It simply had to be done right at that very moment!

I had determined that it wasn't happy where I had placed it.  So I figured I'd put it somewhere else.  Where it might get some more sun; somewhere it might thrive.  And if not, well then at least it would have the sun shining down on it as it struggles through it's dying days.

Basically, I figured at this point I had nothing to lose.

So it's done.  Even though it's leaves are curled and kinda crunchy - it somehow looks happier over here, don'cha think?

Ignore the dirt and water hose - I've yet to get the mulch for this area (it's on the list). 
 If it lives, it will hopefully hide the hideous box.

Alas, my poor forsythia (that Hubby RAN OVER) is not faring so well either.

Hmmm, all my mulch has washed away (add it to the never-ending list!)

But lest you think that I am a total plant-murderer (but yes, Hubby is!  Evidence above.); I thought I'd share some of my successes in the yard.

My phlox (to the left) and coreopsis are completely taking over.  The phlox was absolutely stunning when it was in bloom and the coreopsis should start blooming in another month or so.  In the middle, which you can barely see are my Asiatic Lilies - which have also doubled since last year.  They will have to moved after they bloom so they can have room to breathe next year.  Apparently this little corner is plant heaven.  I never expected any of this stuff to get so big!  (Hmmm, maybe if I put that dying privet over here a miracle might occur....) 

This is called Artemisia, or a type of wormwood.  It has also doubled since last year.  I love this stuff.  It is so soft to the touch - I guess you could call it the cashmere of plants.  I'm hoping it stays.  The last time I used it, it failed to return after the second year.

My irises are blooming beautifully this year.  I got lucky when I bought these last year in that they are double bloomers which I didn't realize at the time.  After these blooms die off, they will bloom again sometime in the summer, I think.  At least, they did last year.

I cannot for the life of me ever remember what this is called.  But it is crazy the way it takes off.  Last year it grew out of the bed practically covered the front walk.  It is actually considered an annual, but apparently in our region it can be a perennial.  But I mainly took this picture because of the toadstools.  I love these things and buy at least one whenever I see them.  Unfortunately, as they are pottery they are fragile.  And being in a home with two guys is dangerous for them.  I can't tell you how many I've already lost.

Actually this was a very theraputic post.  As you know I'm re-doing the front bed.  And it is very slow going for the "want it done and want it done NOW" kind of girl that I am.  So this has just reminded me of all the good stuff that has been done (and crossed of the list) and that, with time (and patience), eventually that front bed will be done.

In the meantime?  Send your good thoughts and prayers for my poor Chinese Privet.....

It needs all the help it can get.


  1. Wow, your garden looks so pretty. Very, very nice.

  2. I have to admit that, while I find gardens very nice, I cannot grow anything to save my life. In fact, the things you were naming off, I'm glad you had pictures, lol. As I was reading I was thinking that you should put your dying bush/tree-thing in that corner where everything grows so well though, haha.

  3. I have black thumbs, but your plants look wonderful. Even the privet doesn't look too bad, in my book.

  4. Hoping for the best for your Chinese privet. And the iris are stunning! I also expect you to show me what the phlox looks like in bloom! I love phlox.

  5. hello (cough)
    Now you see if you didn't live so far away I could send you a toadstool -there are several shops that sell them round here...

  6. You garden does look rather pretty! Would you like to come & 'murder' some of my bushes when you've finished? :)

  7. sigh, .... more garden envy.

    I'm good at weeds.

  8. Wow, coming from someone with a brown thumb, this looks very impressive!

  9. Very pretty garden Gigi! Fingers crossed your chinese privet thrives. I'm rubbish with plants, I murder them (accidently, obviously!) too. Luckily we have a teeny tiny garden, and OH has the green fingers.

  10. The irises are very pretty, look huge! I love your toadstools very much. X

  11. We are just getting our garden ready for some plants, I can't wait for it to have some colour instead of the pile of dirt it is now. I like the look of your Artemisia and love those toadstools!
