January 26, 2010

Under the Dome

(HAH! This time I titled it BEFORE I started typing!  Me: 1 Blogger: 5 (at least).  I'm catching up!)

So I finished reading Under the Dome by Stephen King this weekend.  And because several of you asked me to let you know how it was (before you committed to reading all 1074 pages), I am here to tell you - it was worth it.  Both in time and in the outlay of cash (retail approximately $35).

It was one of those books that grab you from the beginning.  And then beckons to you every time you have a few minutes.

I refuse to spoil it for you; so basically all I'm going to tell you is this:

It's about about this small town.  And then all of a sudden this invisible force comes down around the town.  Mayhem ensues.  There is a small town politician who attempts to control the situation.  Oh, and there is a love story thrown in.

That is all you are getting out of me.  If you want to know more - buy, beg, or borrow the book.  I promise; you will not be disappointed.

If you need more of a review; take this into consideration:

Man-Child started the book yesterday.  As of tonight, I have total control of all the "screens" in the house (tv, computer & phone) because he'd rather be reading.  Now seriously?  How many times does this happen?  It's rare that a book wins out over screen time for a teen.  Does that tell you how good this book is?

'Nuf said.  Happy reading!  Let me know what you think after you've read it.


  1. This is good to hear because I broke down and bought the book for hubby. Though I got it at Wal-Mart in Calais, ME while visiting my Mom and it was only $26, not $35. :P

  2. Thanks for the review. I don't read alot but sounds interesting. Might consider picking it up.

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  7. Woh Nellie, don't know what happened there, must have hit a wrong key, sorry about all the deleted comments.

  8. I subscribed to follow-up comments and my email went crazy with your comment Respectfully Yours.. lol. Blogger does that sometimes, it's tempermental I think. :P

  9. This sounds good!! I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife and am in the middle of Dear John -- I am going to need something a little less sappy when I get done! Thanks for the recommend!!

  10. Respectfully Yours - LOL! My first thought when I checked my email this morning was "Boy, I must have really said something that sparked a response in RY!"

  11. My 14 year old has been wanting to read that book. She keeps asking me if I know if it's good or not. She has read all the Harry Potters books, twice, and I guess I'll get it for her now! Thanks!

  12. Really? I haven't read Stephen King in forever....I was getting grossed out/suffering from insomnia from his books a few years ago. Altho, I loved the Gunslinger series...did you read that?
    Was there lots of icky-ness and gore in this one? If not, I'd love to try it.

  13. Kathryn - it's Stephen King so there is some gross factor - but nothing to extreme and it's not scary, scary make you stay up at night listening for noises. I think I did read the Gunslinger ones - but that's been years ago.

  14. Was it really scary? I can't take too scary anymore... great that your son is loving it too. :0)

  15. CM - I didn't think it was "scary" at all.
